Sunday, December 07, 2008

Another reason to love Walla Walla

Since the parade falls on holiday barrel tasting weekend and Walla Walla has become a practically swanky destination, the Seattle TV stations show up for it (whatEVer). But at least for the moment, the Christmas parade still feels like ours. Ethan and I walked with the Dog Park group and got to feel for a few moments like rock stars. What fun having excited little kids shouting "doggies" whenever we appeared! Cassie might not have won a popularity contest against the adorable doxie in the Santa suit or the sheep dog with Christmas lights shining through all that beautiful fur, but she thoroughly enjoyed the attention. Everything's more fun with a dog. Really. Go to the humane society RIGHT THIS MINUTE and get one. Tell them I sent you. Or go to

P.S. Sorry about the demon dog photo...must learn how to use Photoshop and fix those eyes!

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