We're grateful we all walked away from this fairly unscathed (especially me in the passenger seat :-)), but we're just shallow enough to be pretty bummed about the hassle and the loss of Cliff's birthday kayak, a dark green Loon 160 tandem with rudder. (boo hoo) Once the police report is finished (maybe sometime next month if we're lucky) we can go after whoever is determined to be at fault to recoup some of our uncovered expenses. (That is, if he's insured, probably our only hope. And of course we're not talking thousands, just our deductible, our rental car expense and the kayak.) In the meantime, there's this guy at work who keeps telling me that we can fix the kayak. You just order a chunk of plastic from the manufacturer and get a blow torch. (Hmmm.) It's being held at a storage yard in Prosser until we get the chance (and a vehicle--can't exactly strap a 16-foot boat on top our Corolla) to pick it up. I haven't seen it yet, but the officer told me it has a "few holes" in it.
(OK, I'm not a transportation engineer, but would you pull this load behind a Ford Ranger? Gulp.)
Local emergency response was FAST! Three cars were involved right after us (we were the fourth) and I was afraid we'd be watching crashes for a while. But police and fire trucks were on the scene in minutes with flashing lights and flares to warn others away.
As my ever-patient friends and co-workers (and Facebook friends and, now, Lair readers) will attest, I've gone on and on about this--part of my coping, I guess--so I shouldn't blame Ethan for being extremely upset that not only the State Patrol but also State Farm declined to take his statement! So if you want more details, call 1-800-ETHAN!! I'm done.
Um... So what about us folks who aren't all connnected in? What the @#$#@$ happened?
We hit the overturned trailer, which was lying upside-down across the right lane of the freeway in the dark. Life flashed before my eyes (not too thrilling), that's about it.
Like I said, though, Ethan would LOVE to give you more details! Just call around 6:30 or so ... he'll get you in the loop. And he'll probably give you my complete medical, emotional and financial update while he's at it. (We have no secrets since he learned his first words.)
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