Sunday, June 18, 2006

Went on a garden tour today

Might as well start with my favorite. Wow.

We visited 7 or 8 others as well. Sadly, I didn't take nearly enough pictures of flowers--I was too distracted by stuff that looked like Home Depot ads. I did manage to fit in a picture of a fairy garden for my goddaughter (who really talks to fairies! and sends them letters!) and the pond pictures for my friend who has a ce-ment pond in her backyard and is pondering what to do with the landscaping around it. (Pun made by accident but left in on purpose.)

And speaking of the ce-ment pond, it was looking really lovely later the same evening. Who needs to spend $15 on garden tour tickets?


1 comment:

Teri said...

My pond! I hope I get it back in shape this year.